Spring Water Festival now accepting applications

Organizers of the 41st Annual Spring Water Festival are now accepting vendor, display and car show applications for the two day festival August 26 & 27, 2022. Hours for the festival this year will be 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday.
Any local craft vendor interested in participating in the event can pick up an application and guidelines at The Journal office or online at the Spring Water Festival website at www.springwaterfestival.com.
For more information on crafts contact Joy Zapada by email at swfvendor@gmail.com
Local businesses, and non-profits are also invited to have a display to promote their business at the festival.
Business displays should contact Dianne Lollis at 864-847-5743 or by email at missetta68@gmail.com.
The festival will again feature one of the Upstateā€™s largest antique and classic auto shows, being sponsored by the Williamston Fire Department. To register contact David Huff at 864-625-1281 or email wfdchief@williamstonsc.us. Also online at www.williamstonfire.com. There will be awards in a number of categories.