Spring Water Festival 2018 Applications

Organizers of the 37th Annual Spring Water Festival are now accepting craft vendor, business and non-profit applications for the two day festival in August. Dates for this year’s festival are August 24 & 25, 2018.

Any local vendor interested in participating in the event can pick up an application and guidelines at The Journal office or download/print from the Spring Water Festival website at www.springwaterfestival.com.

For more information on crafts contact Beth Watkins at 864-704-4502 or email swfcrafts@gmail.com or watkinsb@anderson1.k12.sc.us.

Local businesses and non-profit organizations are also invited to have a display to promote their business or organization at the festival.

Business and non-profits should contact Dianne Lollis at 864-847-5743 or by email at missetta@charter.net.

2018 SWF Forms and Applications

Craft Vendor Application

Craft Vendor Guidelines

Business & Non-Profit Display Application

Business & Non-Profit Display Guidelines

5K Spring Water Run Application 

2018 Spring Water Festival

Coming Soon!

August 24 & 25 – 2018

Mineral Spring Park – Williamston, SC
 State Hwy. 20 just off I-85 between Anderson and Greenville, SC

Arts & Crafts  5K Spring Water Run     Mineral Spring Trail Walk (New)
Health Fair  Live Music  Gospel music showcase
Free Children’s Activities      Amusement Rides
Antique Car Show  Festival Food  Exhibits     Souvenirs

Directions to Festival
From I-85 or Hwy. 29, exit onto Hwy.8 to Pelzer.
Right on Hwy. 20 into downtown Williamston

Spring Water Festival now accepting vendor applications

Organizers of the 36th Annual Spring Water Festival are now accepting vendor, display and run applications for the two day festival August 25 & 26, 2017.
Any local craft vendor interested in participating in the event can pick up an application and guidelines at The Journal office or online at the Spring Water Festival website at www.springwaterfestival.com.
For more information on crafts contact Beth Watkins at 864-704-4502 or email watkinsb@anderson1.k12.sc.us.
Local businesses, and non-profits are also invited to have a display to promote their business at the festival.
Business displays should contact Dianne Lollis at 864-847-5743 or by email at missetta@charter.net.
The festival will again feature one of the upstate’s largest antique and classic auto shows, being sponsored by the Williamston Fire Department. To register contact Steve Ellison at 864-844-7107 or email wfd100@att.net. Also online at www.williamstonfire.com. There will be awards in a number of categories.
The 5K Spring Water Run will be a featured attraction and will be held on Saturday, Aug. 19, the Saturday before the festival. The run is sanctioned as an RRCA Grand Prix event. The 5K open race will begin at 8:30 a.m. There will also be a 1 mile fun run at 7:45 a.m.
The course includes city streets and country roads with rolling hills. Splits will be called at the one and two mile mark and water stations will be on the course.
Spring Water week activities will also include a Tailgate and Tents Solar Eclipse viewing event on Monday, Aug. 21 on the ballfields behind the Williamston Municipal Center.
Additional registration information and forms are available online at www.springwaterfestival.com.
Entertainment for the festival will be announced soon, organizers said.

2017 Spring Water Festival Forms and Applications

Organizers of the 36th Annual Spring Water Festival are now accepting craft vendor, business and non-profit applications for the two day festival in August. Dates for this year’s festival are August 25 & 26, 2017.

Any local vendor interested in participating in the event can pick up an application and guidelines at The Journal office or download/print from the Spring Water Festival website at www.springwaterfestival.com.

For more information on crafts contact Beth Watkins at 864-704-4502 or email watkinsb@anderson1.k12.sc.us.

Local businesses and non-profit organizations are also invited to have a display to promote their business or organization at the festival.

Business and non-profits should contact Dianne Lollis at 864-847-5743 or by email at missetta@charter.net.

2017 SWF Forms and Applications

Craft Vendor Application

Craft Vendor Guidelines

Business & Non-Profit Display Application

Business & Non-Profit Display Guidelines

Spring Water 5K Run Application


Spring Water Festival 2017 – Now Making Plans


SpringWater Logo 2010

Now Making Plans for

August 25 & 26 – 2017

Mineral Spring Park – Williamston, SC

 State Hwy. 20 just off I-85 between Anderson and Greenville, SC

Thanks For Making the 2016 Spring Water Festival a Success! We are now making plans for the 2017 Festival planned for Friday August 25 and Saturday August 27, 2017! Check Back in Early Spring For Updates.

Thanks for making the 2016 Spring Water Festival a success!

The 2016 Spring Water Festival held over the weekend of Aug. 26 & 27 was a tremendous success! Thanks to all of the vendors, performers, displays, businesses, volunteers, runners, walkers, Town of Williamston, Williamston Police Department, MedShore EMS and most of all to the people of Williamston and the surrounding areas who came out to enjoy the activities and supports us!


See you next year – August 25 & 26, 2017

2016 Spring Water Festival now accepting applications

Organizers of the 35th Annual Spring Water Festival are now accepting vendor and display applications for the two day festival August 26 & 27, 2016.

Any local craft vendor interested in participating in the event can pick up an application and guidelines at The Journal office or online at the Spring Water Festival website at www.springwaterfestival.com. For more information on crafts contact Beth Watkins at 864-704-4502 or email watkinsb@anderson1.k12.sc.us.


Local businesses, and non-profits) are also invited to have a display to promote their business at the festival. Business displays should contact Dianne Lollis at 864-847-5743 or by email at missetta@charter.net.

The festival will again feature one of the upstate’s largest antique and classic auto shows, being sponsored by the Williamston Fire Department. To register contact Steve Ellison at 864-844-7101 or email wfd100@att.net. Also online at www.williamstonfire.com. There will be awards in a number of categories.

The 5K Spring Water Run will return this year as a featured attraction of the 35th annual Spring Water Festival on Saturday, Aug. 27. The run is sanctioned as an RRCA Grand Prix event. The 5K open race will begin at 7:45 a.m.

The course includes city streets and country roads with rolling hills. Splits will be called at the one and two mile mark and water stations will be on the course. Additional information on Spring Water Run registration will be posted online soon!


2016 Spring Water Festival Forms and Applications

Organizers of the 35th Annual Spring Water Festival are now accepting craft vendor, business and non-profit applications for the two day festival in August. Dates for this year’s festival are August 26 & 27, 2016.

Any local vendor interested in participating in the event can pick up an application and guidelines at The Journal office or the Spring Water Festival website at www.springwaterfestival.com.

For more information on crafts contact Beth Watkins at 864-704-4502 or email watkinsb@anderson1.k12.sc.us.

Local businesses and non-profit organizations are also invited to have a display to promote their business or organization at the festival.

Business and non-profits should contact Dianne Lollis at 864-847-5743 or by email at missetta@charter.net.

2016 Forms and Applications

Display Vendor Application

 Display Vendor Guidelines

Craft Vendor Application

Craft Vendor Guidelines

Non-Profit Display Application

 Non-Profit Display Guidelines

Non-Profit (selling)

Spring Water Festival 2016

Organizers are making plans for the 35th Annual Spring Water Festival

SpringWater Logo 2010

August 26 & 27 2016

Mineral Spring Park – Williamston, SC

 State Hwy. 20 just off I-85 between Anderson and Greenville, SC
Arts & Crafts  5K Spring Water Run     Mineral Spring Trail Walk (New)
Health Fair  Live Music  Gospel music showcase
Free Children’s Activities      Amusement Rides 
Antique Car Show  Festival Food  Exhibits     Souvenirs   

Directions to Festival

From I-85 or Hwy. 29, exit onto Hwy.8 to Pelzer.
Right on Hwy. 20 into downtown Williamston
50 plus Crafters – 50 plus Display Vendors – 11 Food Vendors 
Live Bands – 17+ Gospel groups 
125 + Car Show entries – Antique Fire Truck exhibit – Fire Truck Rides
All Events – Rain or Shine
No alcohol – No coolers – No Pets – No bicycles, No Skate Boards


Event, 5K Spring Water Run and Mineral Spring Trail Walk Sponsor:


Event and Spring Water Festival Auto Show Sponsor:





Spring Water Festival Auto Show Sponsors:

McDonalds of Williamston

Tri-City Napa Auto Parts

Christmas Park will return for the 2016 Holidays


christmas park


Christmas Park_-12BethBldres

Churches, businesses and organizations in the area are joining the Town of Williamston to place lighted displays in Williamston’s Christmas Park this holiday season. Opening night ceremonies and lighting of the park will be held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 26, 2016 at 6 p.m., at the Amphitheater Stage in Mineral Spring Park.

Santa Claus will also be arriving on the town’s antique 1936 Fire Engine and visiting with children in the Scout Hut.

Cookies and hot chocolate will be given out by local churches and groups each Saturday night also to help visitors keep warm while strolling through the park or watching special entertainment.

The lighting of the park will include the opening of Deck the Halls in Williamston’s Municpal Center. The annual event has become a holiday tradition for the town and features beautifully decorated Christmas trees in the main hallways of the Municipal Center. It will be open to the public for viewing following the lighting of the park and during regular business hours through the holidays.

Hours for viewing trees will be 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through the holiday season.